Preston, Where We All Belong


Integrated Services

Integrated Services

Welcome to Integrated Services at Preston Middle School

Multi-Categorical and SED

At Preston, we believe that inclusion is best for all students. This means that students with a variety of learning abilities are in general education classes together receiving supports and services. In many of our grade level English and Math classes, we have adopted a co-teaching model. In these classes, a general education teacher and integrated services teacher works together to provide instruction to all students. With this model, a variety of teaching methods and strategies can be used, with differentiated lessons, and purposeful groupings are provided within the classroom. This model allows for all students to learn alongside one another and students with disabilities can receive the services they need.

The SED program at Preston Middle School is one of three middle school center-based programs that serves students who have been placed due to significant emotional, behavioral and relational challenges, which may impact their ability to be successful at their home school. We provide a safe learning environment that cultivates, relationship building, self-respect, and resiliency. Our program offers direct instruction in emotional regulation, social skills, study skills, problem-solving, and academic support.

The key elements of the program include: IEP goal focus and accountability supportive environment and teaming, SEL and direct social skills instruction, targeted academic instruction, behavioral interventions and goal-setting, reinforcement systems, point sheets and data collection, safe space for de-escalation, consistent communication with parents, and collaboration with outside agencies. Students are integrated into the general education setting to the maximum extent possible, with support as needed from the Integrated Services staff.


Staff Name Role
Baker, Jonah Integrated Services Educator
Bolieau, Ann Paraprofessional - Integrated Services
Bork, Emma Paraprofessional - Integrated Services
Fissenden-Darville, Alex Integrated Services Educator, Coach - Track & Field
Lemay, Rhonda Paraprofessional - Integrated Services
Rieb, Codi Integrated Services Educator
Samuelson, Mark Paraprofessional - Integrated Services
Savage, Jill School Occupational Therapist
Stone, Jessica School Social Worker
PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.