School Supply List 2024-2025!
Preston Middle School - Supply List for Shopping
For all students/all grades - you may need to refill items throughout the year as needed.
Please reuse items from year to year if possible.
- 1-2 graph paper composition notebooks - Math
- 5 (college-ruled), lined-paper composition notebooks - English (1), Science (1), Electives (3 - one for French) Please make sure they are separate notebooks - not one multi-subject notebook
- 1-2 graph paper composition notebooks (If you can not find them, then get a regular composition notebook and a pack of graph paper.)
- 4 2-pocket folders - Math (1), Science (1) English (1) Choir (1)
- Please make sure they are separate folders - not one multi-subject trapper keeper item
- 2 ½ inch binders (or 2 folders) to hold worksheets and handouts - Social Studies (1) Science (1)
- spiral notebook (college ruled) - Social Studies
- Scientific calculator (not graphing) - Math/Science
- Dry erase markers - Math
- 4x6 index cards: white and colored - French
- Lined loose-leaf paper (college-ruled) for all binders
- 3x5 notecards
- earbuds or headphones
- 2 packs of #2 pencils
- pack of colored pencils
- 2 packs of pens
- (3+) highlighters
- scissors
- glue sticks
- sharpies
- sticky notes
- scotch tape
- pencil box or case for holding supplies
- NEW to Preston Middle School (6th graders count as “NEW”: 1-inch white binder (for their math data notebook). All other students will have their data notebook (binder) from prior school years.
Donation items to donate to your first-period teacher - so very appreciated:
- 4 boxes of tissues (or as many as you can send!)
- 1 ream of white copy paper
- 4-6 glue bottles or glue sticks
- 2 boxes - pencils and/or pens
- 4 rolls of Scotch tape
- 1 box of Expo dry-erase markers, any color
*Some classes may ask for other supplies specific to their content after the class begins.
Preston Middle School - Supply List by Subject
*This side is to help kids organize the supplies for school - NOT an extra shopping list*
- 1 (college-ruled), lined-paper composition notebooks
- 2-pocket folder
- 1-2 graph paper composition notebooks (If you can not find them, then get a regular composition notebook and a pack of graph paper.)
- 2-pocket folder
- Scientific calculator (not graphing)
- Dry erase markers
- NEW to Preston Middle School (6th graders count as “NEW”: 1-inch white binder (for their math data notebook). All other students will have their data notebook (binder) from prior school years.
- 1 (college-ruled), lined-paper composition notebooks
- ½ inch binder or a folder to hold worksheets and handouts
- 2-pocket folder
- Scientific calculator (not graphing)
Social Studies:
- ½ inch binder or a folder to hold worksheets and handouts
- Spiral notebook - college ruled (or loose leaf paper to put in a binder)
- 3 (college-ruled), lined-paper composition notebooks (one is for French)
- folder for choir handouts and worksheets
- 4x6 index cards: white and colored - French
All General Classes: (please refill as needed throughout the year)
- Preston Puma planner (provided by the school)
- Lined loose-leaf paper (college-ruled) for all binders
- 3x5 notecards
- earbuds or headphones
- 2 packs of #2 pencils
- pack of colored pencils
- 2 packs of pens
- (3+) highlighters
- scissors
- glue sticks
- sharpies
- sticky notes
- scotch tape
- pencil box or case for holding supplies