2nd Round School Choice Opens Jan 16th, at 8AM
The second of two school choice application periods for the 2025-26 school year opens at 8 a.m.
Preston Transition Series Open House: Puma 101
Please see a counselor with any questions!
Love and Logic this Tuesday!
We still have a few spots left for tomorrow's presentation of Love & Logic! Scan the QR code to RSVP or use this link HERE
Fall Activity Night 2024
We are excited to have our first Activity Night on Friday, Oct 25th, 4:30-6:00 pm. The cost for students is $5.00. Students can purchase a ticket at the door or during lunch next week. There will be lots of different activities for students to participate in. We will have a DJ that will be playing music in the cafeteria, sports will be held in the gym and students will be able to purchase food and drink from our Preston Parent Organization. There will be pizza and Chick-fil-A, lots of candy and soda.